Anxiety & Perfectionism

Anxiety has you feeling trapped in a cycle of worry and fear.

Does this sound familiar?

  • Day after day, you find yourself struggling with racing thoughts

  • You find it difficult to be present in your daily life

  • Your sleep doesn’t feel restful

  • You feel alone, overwhelmed, or trapped

  • You’re struggling to do it all and feel stretched too thin

  • You feel like you can’t be yourself around others

  • The emotional rollercoaster you’ve been stuck on feels like it’s never going to end

  • You want to make changes, but you don’t know where to begin.

Person with orange hair in a ponytail wearing a red sweatshirt and sitting at the beach.

Therapy for Anxiety

In therapy, I can help you connect the pain from the past to the hurt and exhaustion you’re feeling today. After all, you have been carrying this heavy load on your own for far too long.

We’ll work together to find ways to process the pain that has been holding you back from living the life you deserve. We’ll work on developing healthy boundaries, expressing yourself, shedding expectations, overcoming self-doubt and taking care of your needs.

You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for and aren’t alone.

Person looking up toward the sky smiling.

Living with Perfectionism

“Go, Go, Go” is your way of life, but you’ve found yourself running on empty lately.

Have you ever told yourself, “After this project, assignment, task, goal, etc. is done, I’ll be able to relax and feel better” only to find yourself diving headfirst into another project as soon as its over?

Do you find yourself getting really excited or motivated to start something new, but procrastinate on starting it until you know that you can do it perfectly? Then judge yourself for not starting?

Do you use “should” language? “I should be done by now.” “I should lose weight.” “I should be able to manage all of this.” “I should be able to do this without getting frustrated.”

Do you ever feel like no matter what you do, how well you do it, or how well others say you’re doing, you feel like you aren’t enough, are a fraud, or are an impostor?

These are just some examples people who live with perfectionism tend to struggle with.

Person with a hat sitting on a bridge looking at the ground.

Therapy for People Living with Perfectionism

Many of us are taught from a young age that the way we receive love, belonging and acceptance from others is to be perfect.

We’re told that happiness is only achievable if we stuff down our needs and put everyone (and everything) else ahead of ourselves.

Our society rewards our ability to achieve success, have chronically high and unrealistic standards, extreme attention to detail, busyness, having to always be performing, be the best, and put others’ needs before our own.

Many of us will label ourselves as “self-proclaimed perfectionists” because we view it as motivating and helpful. That is until we burn out and realize that the level we are operating at isn’t sustainable or realistic for the long-term.

You did the best you could to keep yourself safe with the tools you had available, but remember: You can’t burn the candle at both ends without expecting to burn out at some point.

In therapy, you’ll learn that perfectionism is a strategy you once used to keep you safe, feel loved, accepted, and worthy. It is deeply rooted in fear and self-preservation to fit others’ expectations of you.

We’ll work together to learn where these messages came from, how they once functioned to keep you safe, and how they are now keeping you stuck.

You’ll also learn that perfectionism is often a way to have order, control, and structure in a world that seems so chaotic and unsafe.

You will learn to quiet that nagging voice in your head that says, “You’ll never be good enough no matter what you do!” and begin to practice self-love and self-compassion.

You will also learn that you can meet your goals and achieve your dreams with balance, boundaries, confidence & authenticity.

You’ll be able to step off the hamster wheel of perfectionism that keeps you hustling for your worth.

You’ll know that you are worthy of unconditional love, acceptance, connection, and belonging just as you are.

Are you ready to feel empowered? Let’s get started.